Sunday, May 21, 2023

Teaser time from Like a Thief in the Night @parr_books #MMromance #suspense #gayromance #books @evernightpub


Gorgeous, businessman, Saxon Dearing buys a pied de terre in the city where he works. Only using the place for three nights, he goes home to his beachside house for the rest of the week. At thirty-two, immersed in his work, he doesn’t know he’s lonely until delicious, twenty-five year old Jon Palmer literally drops into his life during a thunderstorm.

Artist Jon struggles to sell his paintings from a tiny studio, and works in a city gallery to pay his rent. As the two men fall in love, Jon can’t overcome the idea his lack of success is a barrier to telling handsome, wealthy Saxon how he feels.

When his boss offers him a dangerous way of making money, Jon must make a choice.

Will he risk telling Saxon he loves him or let his lack of confidence lead him astray and away from the man who loves him, too?

Read the teaser:

Saxon’s eyelids drooped. He caught himself before he fell asleep with his laptop balanced on his thighs as he checked Singapore trading. He logged out, closed the lid, and slid the machine under his big low bed. It grazed the side of the baseball bat he kept under there, just in case. A habit left over from the early days of his career when he lived in a neighborhood fraught with crime. Saxon had cleaned his teeth earlier, so he threw the pillow that had supported his back to the other side of the bed. Fatigued, he dropped to sleep as soon as he lay his head down.

Some change in the familiar sounds he generally slept through woke him. He listened without focusing in the darkness blanketing the sleeping end of his studio apartment. Then, with a growing sense of dread, as his eyes became used to the dimness, the realization that someone opened the prismed skylight over the living area sent a prickle of sensation up his spine. He rolled silently from his bed, and prone on the warm wooden flooring, he clasped the baseball bat to his side.

Fearful, but convinced he had the element of surprise to confront an intruder, Saxon watched as a man, tall, arm muscles straining, but obviously practiced at the maneuver, hung through the gap created when he’d pushed the skylight along. Saxon knew there’d once been a stair to that skylight and the roof, but the agent told him the builders had sealed off access in the conversion of the building. He muffled a ragged breath. Should I rush the guy as soon as he’s in the room? His heart hammered. Undecided, Saxon lay there, ramrod stiff, clutching his bat.

The man’s feet dangled only a little way from the floor.

It’ll be raining on my polished floor through that gap. The thought traveled through Saxon’s troubled mind. His grimace became a grim smile.

The trespasser dropped with a soft thud. He strode to the European laundry, and pulled open the right side of the louvered doors. He brought a broom and closed the skylight from below. The glass prism slid along easily and the man stilled for a moment gazing up.

Fucking hell, he knows where things are. Under cover of the pooled darkness and his bedframe, Saxon stared as the intruder took the broom back to the alcove room.

The man closed the doors, turned, and after flipping on the floor lamp standing next to the saloon doors of the kitchen, went through them.

Saxon waited, confused and shocked.

The lamp cast a soft amber glow over the immediate area and raindrops glistened in the man’s dark hair as he arrived back with a wad of paper towel, and cleaned up the splattering of water on the floor. Then he took off a backpack he wore, slipped it to the floor by an armchair, and retreated to the kitchen. In seconds, he was back. He must have left his rain-wet jacket in the kitchen because he appeared in a dark sweater.

Saxon discovered he was holding his breath, when, as the guy disappeared through the bathroom door, dizziness engulfed him. He gathered his courage as he gulped in air. With a quick rub of his elbow that had supported him on the luckily heated but hard floor, he stood and rammed his feet into the leather tartan-lined slippers he favored. Hanging onto his baseball bat, Saxon crept toward the bathroom, trying not to let the soles of his slides slap on the parquet. Halfway there he froze.

A line of light from the bathroom fell across the floor and armchair on that side of the room. Only a little ajar, Saxon could still hear the unmistakable sound of the shower through the opening. What the hell? He’s taking a shower. What sort of burglar takes a shower? Saxon sagged onto the arm of the chair. Fear and now bewilderment weakened him. He hadn’t time to do more than stand as the intruder came out of the bathroom wearing one of Saxon’s big fluffy towels around his waist.

Saxon stared at him. Fuck, I could do without him being hot. He ran his gaze rapidly over the delicious hard chest on display and then locked eyes with the guy. He is gorgeous.

Light from the bathroom lit the young man from behind. His damp hair stroked his cheeks in unruly strands. He held his hands up, palms out.

Saxon lifted his baseball bat. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” His voice cracked.

The guy nodded at the bat. “You won’t need that. I’m harmless. I’m sorry. I didn’t expect anyone to be home.” A contrite expression passed on his handsome face, and then Saxon was certain amusement replaced it.

Saxon dropped his arm and the bat swung by his leg. “Clearly.” He glared at the man, but inexplicably couldn’t summon anger, and in the face of this half-naked gorgeous guy, his fear disappeared and curiosity filled him. “You’d better explain yourself.”

Copyright E. D. Parr, Evernight Publishing 

Read an interview with Saxon Dearing

Today we welcome, Saxon Dearing one of the heroes from , Like a Thief in the Night


I’ll make this interview fun…


Saxon, If you were a dessert, what would you be?


(Laughs) A dessert … well I know Jon likes ginger cookies, but that’s not really a dessert, huh? Okay I know, lemon meringue pie, yeah.


What do you do when you need to blow off steam?


If I’m in the city I go to the gym and beat the crap out of a punch bag. If I’m at the beach house, I run on the beach, although I do keep to the wet sand and I like to wear my iPod


What do you look for in a man?


Nothing now I’ve met Jon. He’s perfect for me. I love him. He’s intelligent, creative, good-looking, sexy, sweet … I could go on all day about him.


What is in your refrigerator right now?


In the city, steak, lettuce, cherry tomatoes … a half pack of beer, what else … a red pepper. There’s not that much because Jon and I are going up to the beach house tonight.


What’s on your bedroom floor?


In the city, my old baseball bat, that’s under the bed.


What do you wear in bed?


Depends what I’m doing (smiles) so it ranges from a t-shirt and boxers to nothing … (smiles again) mostly nothing now


Light on or off?


Either, both


Chocolate or vanilla?


Is that for licking off Jon’s abs? Has to be chocolate.


What’s your biggest fear?


Oh, well, I have to think about that for a second. I could say spiders or losing on the stock market but truth is it’s losing Jon’s love. It would break my heart.


What is your most treasured possession?


After the last question … Jon’s not my possession but I treasure him. If it has to be a possession, then it’s a drawing Jon gave me … he’s an artist.


What’s your favorite outfit?


I have some old faded levis and beaten up leather boots that I rely on when I’m not in suits. I usually throw on a t-shirt and my battered leather jacket over the top. I have to wear suits for work. I like my black one best.


What do you like to see Jon dressed in?


Anything he likes, (his eyes mist a little) although I do like him in the tux he wore for our wedding, and in his ripped jeans, because there’s a frayed bit high on his thigh…


Do you have a favorite music track?


My taste and surprisingly Jon’s too, is eclectic. We’re listening to old Coldplay stuff right now … love them.


Tell the readers something you’ve never told anyone before.


(Grins) What? You mean spill a secret? You do. (Takes a deep breath) I have nothing for you, nope not a thing…


We’ll make that the last question. Thanks for visiting. Where are you off to next?


(Smiles) You know that’s another question, right?




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Thursday, August 18, 2022

For #firstchapterFriday read from hot #newrelease #MMromance Dragon Bridge #gayromance Key heaved a breath. Someone had taken his space in the communal car park of the small apartment block again.


First Chapter Friday

Dragon Bridge

Chapter One

Key Alder raised his glass to his lips joining in the toast. This was the last day at the office for a colleague. A long serving agent and source of excellent ideas, the woman would be missed. The farewell gathering after work served for her to receive her leaving gift and good wishes from everyone. The pale golden bubbles in Key’s glass swished against the seam of his lips. His car waited in the underground car park that day so Key didn’t taste the expensive champagne. He sighed inwardly. Key’s fatigue weighed on him. It often brought inexplicable sadness with it. Tired from the daily battle to keep the public safe from internet crime, Key watched Maria shake hands with the special agent in charge of their department, and then, along with all his colleagues, he applauded.

An hour later as he drove home, Key’s eyes misted. He shook away the gathering tears, alarmed at his tumbling emotions. Stopped at a traffic light he opened his window. The blast of cold late February night air stung his face. He drove on home.

Key heaved a breath. Someone had taken his space in the communal car park of the small apartment block again. He stopped behind the vehicle, blocking its exit and narrowing the route in and out of the lot so that not many cars would be able to pass the rear of his. Fucking hell. Key rubbed his forehead. The urge to ram the offending automobile into the wall surrounding the parking area bit at him. He closed his eyes. Moments passed. Then with a deep sigh, Key reversed his old Mustang and drove around the back of the enclosure. He parked under an arch of trees, their bare, black, claw-like branches clasped together. Key got out and locked the door. Patches of the damp blue roof glistened in a filtered shower of light from one of the streetlights nearby. Drops of water from the branches above fell on his cheek like tears. Sadness flooded Key.

Warmth from the central heating greeted Key as he entered his lonely home. He tugged off the scarf around his neck, pulled off his overcoat and threw both onto the hall table. A small succulent in a prettily decorated pot took the force and wobbled toward the edge. Key grabbed it. He liked the Mexican designs on the pot and his last boyfriend had given him the plant. He righted the keepsake. Key caught sight of his reflection in the mirror over the table. The dark shadows under his eyes told the tale of his many sleepless nights. He drooped.

On his way to the fridge to find a beer, his smartphone beeped in his suit jacket pocket. Key checked the caller on the screen. Wesley. He took the call from his brother. Ten years older than Key and with a different father, Wesley was technically his stepbrother, but neither Key nor Wesley referred to each other as such.

“Hi, Wes, what’s up?” Key slumped on the couch instead of completing his journey to the kitchen.

“I’m good, but I can tell from your voice that you’re not. Have you given any thought to my suggestion?”

Key sighed. “I don’t know, Wes. Taking off overseas, well, it’s daunting. I’m tired.”

“Burnt out more like—please take a vacation. How much accrued leave do you have?”

“Months, I think. It’s still important to me, the job, you know keeping people safe from cybercrime, especially when they lose everything they have, and suffer the stress of it all. The trouble is, I think, is that I feel all their sadness now, and, Wes, I’m so tired of how people can be so cruel to others.”

Key heard his brother sigh. When he answered, his voice held kindness.

“Ten years of seeing the seamy side of life is bound to affect anyone.”

“Yeah, it’s definitely sensitized me to all the sadness in the world. I’ve stopped reading or watching news on the TV. The sight of people starving, kids being killed, poverty, war, hatred—it brings tears to my eyes.” Key stopped confiding in his brother as tears welled in his eyes right then. His voice wavered.

“Key, you’re only just thirty. You have time. Have you seen Mark at all recently? I bet you haven’t been out for weeks.”

The reference to his last boyfriend brought a smile to Key’s lips. “Wes, Mark and I have been broken up for nearly a year.”

“Sorry. Time trickles away. Did you tell me about the split? I don’t think I knew. What happened?”

Key heaved another sigh. “My job—his job. Actually, I don’t think I did tell you about Mark and me breaking up. I was on a horrendous case at the time. It was a mutual decision. We’re still friends. We’d probably catch up over a beer now and then if he wasn’t living so far away. I don’t have time to meet guys…”

“Key, why not take your leave? Look after yourself for a while. Find someone to love. I don’t know how I’d be without Jennifer and she’s said the same of me. Don’t go through life alone. You must be lonely.”

Key nodded to himself. Dreadfully, if I admit it. “Sometimes.” He couldn’t burden Wes with that, too.

Wesley’s voice fell to a whisper. “If you just carry on as usual, I fear you’ll break somehow.”

Key heard the love in his brother’s tone. He recognized the truth in what Wes said. He was on the edge. He softened his voice as affection surged for Wesley.

“Thank you for your concern, Wes. I think I’ll do it. I’ll apply for leave tomorrow.” He talked with his brother for a few more minutes asking about Wesley’s wife and daughter. As he ended the call, Key knew he’d made a radical decision about his job. He was going to quit.

Copyright E. D. Parr, Evernight Publishing, All rights reserved, July 28, 2022

Dragon Bridge

Tired from his high stress work fighting cyber-crime, handsome, Key Alder takes a vacation on a beautiful Italian coast. He travels from one gorgeous town to another and after a perilous journey lost in the mountains, he settles into his hotel and relaxes.

In a beachside café, next to a warm pale-blue ocean, a performer hands out fliers for an arts festival in a mountain village. Lured by adventure, Key attends an evening performance of fire juggling acrobats in the legendary village piazza.


Beautiful, enigmatic Claudio Di Fiore, the star of the show, sees Key in the audience and is captured by a wonderful feeling he’s unaccustomed to.

Claudio wants Key.

Key is enchanted by Claudio.

A passionate love grows between the two men.

When Claudio’s mysterious ancient family threaten to tear them apart, will Key risk everything to stay with his loved one?



READ a hotter teaser as Dragon Bridge visits Lisabet Sarai

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Dragon Bridge now available on @sirenbookstrand for all you #manlove story lovers #teasers #MMromance #gayromance #fantasy


Editor's review:

What a great fantasy story! I love that Key needed to leave his job because of his sensitivity. What a strength! And I'm sure what drew Claudio to him, other than his looks.

The legend of Dragon Bridge is a fun premise. So creative! Lots of layers to the legend to keep things interesting. And the backdrop of the Italian coast is perfect.


Dragon Bridge

Tired from his high stress work fighting cyber-crime, handsome, Key Alder takes a vacation on a beautiful Italian coast. He travels from one gorgeous town to another and after a perilous journey lost in the mountains, he settles into his hotel and relaxes.

In a beachside café, next to a warm pale-blue ocean, a performer hands out fliers for an arts festival in a mountain village. Lured by adventure, Key attends an evening performance of fire juggling acrobats in the legendary village piazza.


Beautiful, enigmatic Claudio Di Fiore, the star of the show, sees Key in the audience and is captured by a wonderful feeling he’s unaccustomed to.

Claudio wants Key.

Key is enchanted by Claudio.

A passionate love grows between the two men.

When Claudio’s mysterious ancient family threaten to tear them apart, will Key risk everything to stay with his loved one?

Already one of E. D. Parr's bestsellers on Siren Bookstrand

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Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Release day for #MMromance #gayromance contemporary #fantasy Dragon Bridge from E. D. Parr and @evernightpub #newrelease


Dragon Bridge

Tired from his high stress work fighting cyber-crime, handsome, Key Alder takes a vacation on a beautiful Italian coast. He travels from one gorgeous town to another and after a perilous journey lost in the mountains, he settles into his hotel and relaxes.

In a beachside café, next to a warm pale-blue ocean, a performer hands out fliers for an arts festival in a mountain village. Lured by adventure, Key attends an evening performance of fire juggling acrobats in the legendary village piazza.


Beautiful, enigmatic Claudio Di Fiore, the star of the show, sees Key in the audience and is captured by a wonderful feeling he’s unaccustomed to.

Claudio wants Key.

Key is enchanted by Claudio.

A passionate love grows between the two men.

When Claudio’s mysterious ancient family threaten to tear them apart, will Key risk everything to stay with his loved one?

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Evernight Publishing

Siren Bookstrand




About E. D. Parr

E. D. currently lives in a small coastal town in the UK. A multi-published author, E. D. Parr presently writes for Evernight Publishing but also has gay romance published by Encompass Ink and eXtasy Books as well as male/female romance published under another name by, Siren Publishing, Crushing Hearts and Black Butterfly imprint, Hot Ink Press, and Evernight Publishing.

In essence, all E. D.’s stories are love stories, heavy on plot and character driven, they are also open door romances with explicit MM love scenes

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Dragon Bridge contemporary #MMromance #covereveal E. D. Parr #gayfantasy #adventure #MMeroticromance releases July 28 from @evernightpub

Tired from his high stress work fighting cyber-crime, handsome, Key Alder takes a vacation on a beautiful Italian coast. He travels from one gorgeous town to another and after a perilous journey lost in the mountains, he settles into his hotel and relaxes.

In a beachside café, next to a warm pale-blue ocean, a performer hands out fliers for an arts festival in a mountain village. Lured by adventure, Key attends an evening performance of fire juggling acrobats in the legendary village piazza.


Beautiful, enigmatic Claudio Di Fiore, the star of the show, sees Key in the audience and is captured by a wonderful feeling he’s unaccustomed to.

Claudio wants Key.

Key is enchanted by Claudio.

A passionate love grows between the two men.

When Claudio’s mysterious ancient family threaten to tear them apart, will Key risk everything to stay with his loved one?

Releases July 28 to all eBook stores and will be on launch special price on Evernight Publishing only.

Find E. D. Parr online E.D.Parr


Facebook Page

Monday, July 11, 2022

Mark your calendars #MMromance lovers July 28 Dragon Bridge releases from E. D. Parr and @evernightpub #gayromance #MMfantasy #gay #paranormalromance #teaserTuesday


Tired from his high stress work fighting cyber-crime, handsome, Key Alder takes a vacation on a beautiful Italian coast. He travels from one gorgeous town to another and after a perilous journey lost in the mountains, he settles into his hotel and relaxes.

In a beachside café, next to a warm pale-blue ocean, a performer hands out fliers for an arts festival in a mountain village. Lured by adventure, Key attends an evening performance of fire juggling acrobats in the legendary village piazza.


Beautiful, enigmatic Claudio Di Fiore, the star of the show, sees Key in the audience and is captured by a wonderful feeling he’s unaccustomed to.

Claudio wants Key.

Key is enchanted by Claudio.

A passionate love grows between the two men.

When Claudio’s mysterious ancient family threaten to tear them apart, will Key risk everything to stay with his loved one?

Mark your calendars, July 28 Dragon Bridge releases from Evernight Publishing


Key heard the engine before he saw a little black sports car zoom into the parking area and halt in the space next to where he’d parked. He watched as a familiar man got out and sprinted between two trees heading for the restaurant entrance where he stood.

Claudio called to him as he neared. “Key, I’m so sorry I’m late.” Then he stood before Key.

Key’s heart hammered. Claudio looked as if he’d just stepped off the front cover of Italian Vogue. Dressed in a black Armani suit over a white t-shirt, his shiny dark hair ruffled by the breeze as he’d raced to Key, he took Key’s breath away. A strange shyness settled over Key. He is a total babe. He gazed into Claudio’s sapphire eyes and saw joy. The emotion lifted his spirits, but he couldn’t stop the butterflies that danced in his stomach at the sight of his date.

“Hi, Claudio, you look … great.”

Claudio took his hand and pulled him closer. “Thank you. I don’t often wear a suit, but I thought, yes. I wanted to look good for you.” He kissed Key. He drew away and then with a tiny murmur he kissed Key again.

Copyright E. D. Parr , Evernight Publishing July 28, 2022

Friday, June 17, 2022

Releasing this summer from @evernightpub Dragon Bridge #MMromance #gayromance #paranormalromance @parr_books #preview #teaser

Tired from his high stress work fighting cyber-crime, handsome, Key Alder takes a vacation on a beautiful Italian coast. He travels from one gorgeous town to another and after a perilous journey lost in the mountains, he settles into his hotel and relaxes.

In a beachside café, next to a warm pale-blue ocean, a performer hands out fliers for an arts festival in a mountain village. Lured by adventure, Key attends an evening performance of fire juggling acrobats in the legendary village piazza.

Beautiful, enigmatic Claudio Di Fiore, the star of the show, sees Key in the audience and is captured by a wonderful feeling he’s unaccustomed to.

Claudio wants Key.

Key is enchanted by Claudio.

A passionate love grows between the two men.

When Claudio’s mysterious ancient family threaten to tear them apart, will Key risk everything to stay with his loved one?

Read the preview teaser

Key’s fascinated gaze traced each part of the acrobat’s torso. The shine on his skin indicated a moisturizer of some kind and Key allowed himself to imagine smoothing it on, slipping his palms over the acrobats stomach and down the funnel of his hips. His eyes mesmerized, with dark lashes and perhaps kohl liner. Tiny twinkling stars ran over his cheekbones and across the breadth of his chest.

Key sighed as the acrobat soared in a high arc through flaming hoops as if the height and heat meant nothing to him. This man was breathtaking. Key stared and wished he could somehow meet this acrobat. The others in the troupe receded into the background for Key. When beautiful Claudio smiled at him, for a few seconds Key couldn’t breathe and then, elated, he returned the smile.

As the performance ended, Key’s spirits fell. Maybe he smiles at any audience member. It’s part of being a performer. It meant nothing. Even so, he kept that smile in his heart. Key raked the crowd with an anxious gaze for the beautiful acrobat desperate for one last sight of him. Then the man was before him—older than Key had thought—more beautiful and talking to him—touching him. This proximity affected him so much Key had to force the words from his mouth to tell the acrobat that he couldn’t speak Italian. 

 Copyright E. D. Parr, releasing 2022, from Evernight Publishing

Find E. D. Parr on the Evernight website 

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Monday, January 31, 2022

The night sparkled cold and the sky displayed an array of stars suddenly seeming only meters away, a shooting star flew across my line of vision, then another as if it followed the first. #MMromance #gayromance @evernightpub


The story ‘Falling Star Valentine’ was inspired by shooting stars. We all know shooting stars are falling meteorites, but the romance remains when one streaks across the midnight blue sky, and when two, in close succession, zoom over the night vista as you stand on your hotel balcony, it’s a sight to behold. I travel a little with my day job and in the autumn of 2016, I had to travel a lot more than usual. One night when I couldn’t sleep because I was churning worries around, I went out onto the balcony of the hotel room I was staying in and stared up at the sky. The night sparkled cold and the sky displayed an array of stars suddenly seeming only meters away, a shooting star flew across my line of vision, then another as if it followed the first.

I’m a die-hard romantic and immediately my sweet but sexy character, Valentine Steel, had formed in my head. He’s Falling Star Valentine on his way to visit earth. Will he find love?

Fashion photographer Dale Walker takes a train to his hometown, relocating there after nursing a broken heart for six months in another city. His train makes an unscheduled stop to take on a mysterious passenger.

For a long time, Valentine Steel has hoped to meet a man who will love him. When he sees Dale on the train, he’s overjoyed to find a vacant seat beside Dale.

Dale’s immediate attraction to Valentine has him on edge. He doesn’t want another broken heart, and yet Valentine is so magnetic Dale’s frozen heart begins to thaw.

Valentine sets out to charm and capture Dale in his sparkling aura. He can’t let the chance to have Dale’s love slip away. 

#teaserTuesday from Falling Star Valentine

“Can I ask you … are you the passenger the train made the unscheduled stop for?”

Slowly, a smile spread across Valentine’s face. In an enigmatic way, he leaned forward and whispered as if he didn’t want anyone else to hear. “I don’t make a habit of it.”

Dale teased. “It’s unusual. You have to be some kind of VIP. Am I talking with aristocracy or maybe the CEO of Translines?” Dale smiled to soften the questions that unexpectedly didn’t sound teasing to his ears once spoken.

Valentine shrugged. “Neither. I came aboard looking for someone.”

Surprised by this, Dale couldn’t contain his question. “Did you find them?”

Valentine didn’t answer. He played with the handle of his coffee cup. With his gaze downcast and his dark hair falling over his forehead, there was an air of vulnerability about him.

The wish to comfort Valentine, gripped him hard, surprising Dale. Instinctively, Dale placed his hand over Valentine’s where he rested it by his still laden plate. Concern flooded him.

Valentine took Dale’s hand in his. He lifted his gaze to Dale’s face. “I hope so.”

A shock of sensation made Dale tremble. Time slowed. It was clear Valentine referred to him. Fear and desire mingled into a stomach churning mass.

Valentine held onto Dale’s hand and Dale closed his eyes briefly, as he allowed himself time to take stock and savor Valentine’s touch.

“You mean me … or, or, what do you mean?” He attempted to take his hand from Valentine’s gentle grasp.

Valentine loosed Dale’s hand. “Oh, nothing—it doesn’t matter. Should we pay the bill?”

The strange, intense moment had passed. Dale stood unhappily. “I’ll get it.” He went to the bar counter and paid for breakfast. The normality in the action settled his nerves. He glanced over his shoulder to see Valentine gazing out of the window. The man exuded sorrow. A pang of regret that he’d not held onto Valentine, maybe flirted more … stolen a kiss … something other than what he’d done, saddened him. 

Copyright E. D. Parr, Evernight Publishing

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Saturday, January 29, 2022

Sizzle Sunday snippet with A Virtual Kiss #gayromance #MMromance @evernightpub Jason grabbed the lapel of his jacket, keeping him close.


Hunky Nate Hathaway can’t resist the lure of private Virtual Reality rooms in a new Internet café that opens on the street where he works. He’s lonely and intrigued by the VR program offering a boyfriend experience. After only one date, Nate is hooked on Jason, the sexy, kind VR character.


Jason Graeme is the computer wizard behind the hot new VR programs. He’s a risk taker, smart and gorgeous. He’s also the body model for the boyfriend. A twist of fate brings Nate to his attention. Determined to meet dishy Nate, he reveals who he is.

Passion sizzles between the two men as they fall in love.

Trouble is Nate’s not the only guy in town who uses the boyfriend experience.

Sizzle Sunday snippet 18+ 

Spikes of desire shot over Nate. He opened his mouth to touch the tip of his tongue to Jason’s. His cock hardened in a delicious expanding. His stomach tightened. He slid a hand around Jason’s head. Jason’s hair slipped through his fingers. Nate deepened the kiss with a soft murmur.

Jason grabbed the lapel of his jacket, keeping him close.

Into Nate’s lust fogged mind came the memory of Jason sucking his cock. His entire body clenched with desire. He wanted Jason so badly he moaned into Jason’s mouth.

Copyright E. D. Parr , Evernight Publishing

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